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A new Gloria Peplum top….

It is no secret among my sewing friends that the most frequent pattern I use is the Gloria by Peekaboo Patterns Shop. With three slender girls, it is helpful to be able to custom make comfortable knit play dresses for them.

As soon as I saw this new fabric line, I knew I would be purchasing some. This is the Idlewild Line by Pattern Anthology for Riley Blake. I purchased two other fabrics in the collection and cannot wait to show you the projects I have planned! Continue Reading

A trip to celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder…

Read about our trip the Family Festival in Walnut Grove, MN, home of Laura Ingalls Wilder for "On the Banks of Plum Creek."

Laura Ingalls Wilder Costumes

Whether you are looking for Halloween inspiration or not, kids of all ages like to play dress up. One of the first chapter books our children read is Little House in the Big Woods. Both of our daughters (now 8 and 7) devoured the entire series. It wasn’t long before one of them requested that I make them Laura costumes to play Little House on the Prairie.

The girls accompanied me to Jo-Ann fabrics and picked their calico prints. We selected bleached muslin for an affordable pinafore. Continue Reading

Hyde Park Hoodie with Shawl Collar tutorial…..

The Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop released the Hyde Park Hoodie recently (9/10/15) (affiliate link).  I am reposting this tutorial on 10/1/2015 since for some reason it does not appear on the homepage of the blog. The tutorial will still remain up in the tutorials section.

In my years of sewing patterns created by independent designers, I have never seen such anticipation of a pattern release! I was lucky enough to be chosen to test the pattern and I can honestly say it is my favorite thing I have ever made for myself. Continue Reading